I think that you look even better in the flesh

In the flesh means en persona OJO! Flesh and blood no significa en carne y hueso como muchos piensan. En este caso, nos referimos a la familia de sangre más cercana ( normalmente hijos, hermanos, etc) Example: You always help out your own flesh and blood  ( Siempre ayudas a los que son sangre de […]


1)¿How long will it take to complete?                                  2)I think that you look even better in the flesh3)A moments lapse in concentration4)To do it on the quiet5)Full steam ahead6)To be full to the brim7)He’s growing on me8)Money slips through my […]

La alarma estaba apunto de sonar cuando me desperté

The most common way is: The alarm was just about to go off when I woke upThe alarm was about to go off when I woke upThe alarm was on the brink of going off when I woke upThe alarm was about to ring when I woke upThe alarm was about to sound when I […]

I’m going to wait for the dust to settle

Meaning: voy a esperar a que las cosas se calmenSe usa cuando hemos discutido con alguien y queremos esperar a que las cosas se calmen/se enfrien, para poder hablar con esa persona. Example: Anabel: Have you already spoken to your brother? Norman: Oh no, I’m gonna give it a couple of days for the dust […]

Cuando mi hija está comiendo, va dejando migajas por todos lados

The most common ways are: When my daughter is eating, she’s always leaving crumbs all over  When my daughter eats, she drops crumbs all over the place When my daughter is eating she leaves crumbs everywhere For more phrases like this one, check the following link: Most used everyday English phrases