I’m being an earwig

EVERYDAY ENGLISH PHRASES «Being an earwig» es escuchar las conversaciones de los demás. No es exactamente ser un cotilla, ya que el término cotilla es mucho más amplio. Ejemplo:  -Norman: I’m at the hospital. I AM BEING AN EARWIG (cotilla), and the nurse is going to Gran Canaria. -Anabel: really? you’re always the same listening […]

It’s bugging me

English people use this idiom when  someone or something is bothering or irritating them. It’s an informal expression that is used a lot. Norman uses it all the time when he is speaking to Anabel on Skype and his phone is bugging him because of so many beeping sounds. Even if it is informal you […]


An idiom is a way of speaking that is natural for a native speaker. Every language has its own array of sayings, idioms and expressions. If you start paying attention to them you will improve your listening and speaking right away since they use them a lot of times during the day. Anabel is learning […]

I’ll just go and grab a hold of it

Well guys, you might be thinking what the meaning of that crazy phrase is but it is quite simple. English people just love making things more difficult (only joking). The thing is that they are very expressive and as Norman says they like to have a choice when it comes to speaking so they use […]