Faff about/ around – Messing about with

EVERYDAY ENGLISH PHRASES Significado: desperdiciar mucho tiempo haciendo cosas que no son útiles cuando podrías estar haciendo otro tipo de tareas. Ejemplo: Norman: Anabel, stop faffing with your hair. It looks great, let’s go. Ejemplo: Anabel: Norman, stop messing around and study Spanish!!!

Tendré que conformarme

EVERYDAY ENGLISH PHRASESThe correct answer is: I’ll have to make do with itI’ll have to settle for it Example: -I would like to have a more expensive car but I don’t have enought money so I’ll have to make do with mine.

Buena pregunta…

EVERYDAY ENGLISH PHRASESThe correct answers are: – Good question – That’s a question and a half Ejemplo: -Anabel: Norman, what’s the difference between «make» and «do»? -Norman: oh, that’s a question and a half…