Alguien que tiene «bias» es alguien que tiene prejuicios, que es parcial y se deja influenciar por opiniones y juicios personales
- The senator has accused the media of bias (El senador ha acusado a la prensa de ser parciales)
- Reporters must be impartial and not show political bias (Los reporteros deben ser imparciales y no mostrar inclinaciones políticas)
- To have bias for something: tener una inclinación personal hacia algo (I have bias for British English rather than for American English)
- To have bias against something: tener prejuicios contra algo ( He has bias against black people)
- To be biased: ser influenciado por algo (adjetivo). (My son is very handsome but I am his mother and I am biased)
- Gender bias: prejuicios de género. (Gender bias is the very problem that women have to face day in and day out.
- Political bias: sesgo, inclinación, orientación política. (I do not trust him because of his strong political bias)