-High-stakes (alto riesgo)
-A high-stakes contest is one in which the people involved can gain or lose a great deal
-That’s a high-stakes competition
-To talk down to someone (hablarle a alguien con palabras muy claras y simples ya que sabe menos que yo o es menos que yo)
(hablar con altanería)
Example: Our history teacher never talks down to us.
-Wrangling discusión (para llegar a un acuerdo)
-There was an internal wrangling within her own cabinet
-To heap praise on (alabar)
Example: teachers always heap praise on students who succeed at school.
-To take stock (hacer balance/evaluar/ tomar nota/ analizar la situación)
-To take a step forward (dar un paso hacia adelante)
Example: Theresa May decided to take a stock and take a step forward with speech.
-Political backdrop (telón de fondo político/ contexto político)
Example: The current economic crisis dowturn will shap the political backdrop.
-Political leverage (influencia política)
Example: Peacekeeping and political leverage must work together
-Leeway (margen)
Example: Employees have some leeway in choosing their vacation time
-Downplay (minimizar/restar importancia a algo)
Example: It’s important not to downplay the meaning of it
-Hold out (resistirse /durar)
-Keep asking her for a date, she can’t hold out much longer
-I don’t think the dog feed is going to hold out until next month
-Defiant (desafiante/rebelde)
Example: He was defiant to the end.
-Dine on (cenar)
They dined on and went home.
-Reign (reino/mandato)
Example: The reign of terror lasted for over twenty years
-Rubble (escombros)
Example: After the knocked the house down, the workmen cleared the house
-Eerie (inquietante/escalofriante)
Example: It’s an eerie drive into a major town now utterly empty of civilians and any form of life other than soldiers
-Mayhem (caos)
The islamic state brought murder and mayhem to the city
-Booby tramps (trampas explosivas)
Example: They will be hitting mines and booby tramps here for weeks.
-To tap someone on the back (darle una palmadita a alguien en la espalda)
Example: He clapped me on the back.
-Bailout (rescate financiero)
Example: Three years of huge losses forced the bank to seek a goverment bailout
-The process was deadlocked (el proceso estaba estancado)
Example: The political negotiations between the EU and the UK were deadlocked