– Don’t think that you’re going to get your own way
– Don’t think on getting your own way
– Don’t go thinking you’re going to get your own way

Los ingleses usan dos tipos de expresiones:

– «To get your own way»
– «To get away with it»
– «To work your way out of it»

Ambas significan «salirte con la tuya». Sin embargo «To get away with it»  y «to work your way out of it » tienen el matiz de salirte con la tuya pero sin ser castigado. Es decir «irte de rositas» o » salir airoso de una situación». 

-If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn’t pay my taxes at all
-My little brother always gets his own way
-Don’t try and work your way out of it. I know you have broken my glasses.

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