Algunos adverbios para dar énfasis en inglés nivel C1 son:
I really believe that Norman is the best teacher ever
I truly believe that Norman is the best teacher ever
Frankly, I believe that Norman is the best teacher ever
Obviously, I believe that Norman is the best teacher ever
Indeed, I believe that Norman is the best teacher ever
Without a doubt whatsoever
I believe that Norman is the best teacher ever, without a doubt whatsoever
With all my heart
I believe, with all my heart, that Norman is the best teacher ever
Beyond a doubt
I believe, beyond a doubt, that Norman is the best teacher ever
By far
I believe, by far, that Norman is the best teacher ever
Beyond a question
I believe, beyond a question, that Norman is the best teacher ever
Beyond comparison
I believe, beyond comparison, that Norman is the best teacher ever
Usar «do/does»para dar énfasis
I do belive that Norman is the best teacher ever
Los examinadores aman el énfasis. La mayoría de los hispanohablantes usaríamos «really». Ya está bien de usar esa palabra tan manida. Es hora de ir un poco más allá para impresionar a aquellos responsables de darnos la certificación que tanto ansiamos.