Hoy toca corregir un FILM REVIEW a una seguidora de nuestro blog. Por un lado, señalamos sus errores en rojo, después, corregimos esos errores en verde. Para finalizar, damos varios tips para conseguir más puntos en el examen.
Let’s get on with it!
*Errores marcados en rojo.
Being a bit of a film buff, I have always awakened my interests in animated films. One of the most gripping I have ever seen is «Shrek 1», which was released in 2001 and based on William Steig fairy tale book.
The terrifying green-skinned ogre, Shrek, lives peacefully in his swamp, enjoying his loneliness when suddenly all the fairy tales from the faraway land banished by Lord Farquaad of Duloc turned up there. In order to get his swamp back for only himself, he sets out with the chatty Donkey to visit Lord Farquaad, to whom he demands to relocate the annoying fairy tales.
Under one condition, Lord Farquaad accepts. Shrek must rescue the Princess Fionna to marry Farquaad, as he needs to marry someone in order to became a king. Donkey and Shrek go in a quest to rescue Princess Fiona who, surprisingly, keeps a secret that may change all her life.
The character’s design quality is admirable, making the plot, which is heavily influenced by several Disney films, even more realistic. Although it’s a cartoon movie, it’s star-studded, since it features the voices of Mike Myers and Cameron Diaz, among others.
I would highly recommend «Shrek 1», given that it’s a superb fictional movie suitable for all ages. Not only it catches your attention since minute one, but also is extremely comical, so rarely can a viewer get bored. It will have you in hysterics.
If you love fictional films «Shrek 1» is by far and away the best one you will watch. I wouldn’t hesitate to make the most of Netflix and watch it instantly.
*Correcciones en verde.
Being a bit of a film buff, I’ve always been fond of animated films and this one has awakened my interest in them once again. One of the most gripping I have ever seen is «Shrek 1», which was released in 2001 and based on William Steig‘s fairy tale book.
The terrifying green-skinned ogre, Shrek, lives peacefully in his swamp, enjoying his loneliness when suddenly all of the fairy tales from the faraway land banished by Lord Farquaad of Duloc turned up there. In order to get his swamp back for only himself, he sets out with the chatty Donkey to visit Lord Farquaad, to whom he demands to relocate the annoying fairy tales.
All of which came with the condition that Shrek must rescue princess Fiona, as Lord Farquaad needs to marry a princess in order to become king. Donkey and Shrek go on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona who, surprisingly, keeps a secret that may change all of their lives.
The character’s design quality is admirable, making the plot, which is heavily influenced by several Disney films, even more realistic. Although it’s a cartoon movie, it features a full star-studded cast with voice-overs from the likes of Mike Myers and Cameron Diaz, to name but a few.
I would highly recommend «Shrek 1», given that it’s a superb fictional movie suitable for all ages. Not only does it keep you highly entertained from the outset, but also it is absolutely hilarious, so rarely can a viewer get bored, as it will keep you in hysterics and tears throughout the whole film.
If you love fictional films «Shrek 1» is by far and away the best one you will watch. I wouldn’t hesitate to make the most of Netflix and watch it instantly.
- Sustituir los conectores de propósito: «to»/ «in order to» por expresiones del tipo de:
-For the sake of + ing
-In a bid to +infinitive
«…as Lord Farquaad needs to marry a princess to become/ in a bid to become/ for the sake of becoming king»
- Cuando tengamos los modales MAY O MIGHT para expresar probabilidad, añadiremos la siguiente coletilla para dar más énfasis:
-May very well
-Might very well
«Donkey and Shrek go on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona who, surprisingly, keeps a secret that may/ may very well/ might very well change all of their lives»
- Para poner ejemplos, mejor usar «to name but a few», en lugar de «for example». Se coloca al final, después de haber puesto dos ejemplos o más.
«It features a full star-studded cast that voice-overs from the likes of Mike Myers and Cameron Diaz, among others/ to name but a few«
- Podemos meter la pasiva para hacer la recomendación final. Para ello usaremos la forma pasiva NEED+ING.
This is a film that NEEDS WATCHING.
«I would highly recommend «Shrek 1″/ This is a film that needs watching.
«I would highly recommend» está muy bien, pero hay otro tipo de expresiones que te van a dar más puntos para el nivel C1-C2. También puedes usar:
This is a WORTH-WATCHING movie.
De este modo estás usando un adjetivo compuesto de esos que tanto gustan a los examinadores.
- Cuando decimos que una película es muy buena, o la mejor que podemos ver, mejor usar:
It’s a must-watch film
«If you love the fiction genre «Shrek 1» is by far one of the best films/ a must-watch film.
Has usado inversiones, buena gramática y un vocabulario estupendo. La estructura me ha gustado mucho, breve introducción donde hablas sobre si te ha gustado o no en líneas generales, el autor, etc. Por otro lado, el desarrollo está genial, has profundizado sobre el argumento y algunas características importantes de la película que te han llamado la atención.
Para finalizar, has hecho una recomendación usando estructuras muy buenas.
De todo el vocabulario que has usado, lo que más me ha gustado ha sido:
- A film buff = Cinéfilo/ Aficionado al cine
- Awaken something in somebody= Despertar algo en alguien
- Gripping= Apasionante
- Green-skinned ogre= ogro de piel verde
- Turn up= Aparecer
- Go on a quest= Emprender una misión/ Ir en búsqueda de
- A star-studded cast= Un elenco repleto de estrellas
- By far= De lejos (expresión adverbial para añadir énfasis)
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